
“No One Will Save You” a new Thriller movie of 2023

No One Will Save You:

In Hulu’s new sci-fi thriller No One Will Save You, now streaming, Kaitlyn Dever spends nearly an hour and a half battling aliens—and barely says a word.

The Emmy and Golden Globe-nominated Dever stars as Brynn, a nervous homebody who’s awoken one night by the sound of extraterrestrial beings breaking into her house. Brynn’s fight to defend herself against the “Greys” gets going just minutes into the movie, but as the film progresses, we learn through some dialogue-free interactions with her fellow townspeople that Brynn is harboring a traumatic secret.
“I had this idea for the character of Brynn.

I knew all of that backstory and the life she lived, and I didn’t know what to do with it,” writer-director Brian Duffield told Entertainment Weekly. “Then I had the idea of an alien movie. I got really into this idea that these invasions, these disasters happen to everybody, no matter what’s going on in their life. In my brain, [the two plots] made sense together. Having someone barely equipped to deal with people [and] having to engage with this threat felt like a very fresh way into that story.”

Except for a single line that Devers delivers at the climax of the film, No One Will Save You tells its story without anyone speaking aloud. The lack of dialogue was a narrative choice that Duffield said came about after he had already written a significant portion of the movie and realized that he hadn’t yet had Brynn talk.


The greatest strength of “No One Will Save You” is the creativity in its foundational decision-making. The entire film contains one line of discernable dialogue and is built on an incredible use of sound instead. The first act concerns the invasion itself, building excellent tension with diegetic sound. As Brynn quietly sneaks through her home trying to evade the alien, quotidian sounds like dial tones and a sneaky creak in the floorboards tighten your chest.

Brynn’s intelligence makes this sequence all the more arresting. She plays every move with intention, strategy, and smarts. She fights back. She’s a protagonist to root for rather than roll your eyes at. Meanwhile, Duffield excellently uses the house’s architecture to strike fear and build tension. From creative use of nooks and crannies to creepy, distorted shadows through hammered glass, the charming whimsy of the house we’ve come to know in the daytime devolves into pit-of-the-stomach dread.

However, while these elements are effective, the longer the scene continues, the farther it falls from its opening glory. Duffield’s film misses great opportunities for scares and begins utilizing the alien in kitschy ways that turn fear into indifference. The opening moments of the first act are the film’s best overall, as “No One Will Save You” continues to have a frustrating lack of narrative context.

Brynn is mourning her mother, and her community shuns her for reasons left long unknown to the viewer. The invasion thrusts her past her property line and consequently subjects her to a primal desire to escape the coldness of her environment. And while we are shown that it’s traumatic for her, we are completely in the dark when it comes to even a semblance of a reason why. The script is not dexterous enough to hold empathy and investment in her plight because it doesn’t focus on her. Instead, it takes us through a tiring cycle of cat-and-mouse capture, release, and recapture sequences with no clarity.

Duffield’s film lacks a grounded center and bewilderment at the proposed fear. The themes of social alienation, unresolved trauma, and the question of redemption are mere whispers in a chaotic maelstrom of fatiguing sequences. “No One Will Save You” is a slow burn you plead with to pick up the pace. Dever is the film’s backbone, giving an entirely physical performance. Without words to supplement the feeling, she carries it all in her body and the minute shifts in her expressions. Unfortunately, while we can read and feel everything she’s giving, she is secondary to egregious, repetitive alien sequences undermining the film’s desperate emotions.

The creative intentions are notable, and Dever more than succeeds at pulling her weight, but the film’s execution underserves both. When any long-missed background is given, it’s too late and lazy to have made the waiting warranted. The creativity of the inciting incident is lost from the rest of the runtime, and while “No One Will Save You” yearns to be an existential sci-fi escapade, it lacks the necessary context and craftsmanship to clinch the heart.

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