Italy Scholarships and List Millions of tourists travel to Italy each year because it is one of the most stunning nations in the world. However, you should be pleased to know that Italy boasts several famous universities if you are interested in a longer stay there rather than just a weekend break.
Universities providing financial aid to deserving foreign students hoping to advance their education in Italy. from colleges that do not require IELTS
Today, we’ll examine Italy’s top five awards for international students. Italy Scholarships for foreign students
College of Bologna (Italy Scholarships)
Bologna is the first university in Italy on our list. And the reason for that is that Bologna is one of Italy’s most stunning cities. Bologna has a lengthy past. The “Old Town” is full with Roman-era styled structures. For overseas students, the University of Bologna does provide scholarships worth up to 11,059 euros. Italy Scholarships from the Italian Government for Foreign Students
The second is that the Italian government offers scholarships to foreign students.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of International Cooperation (MAECI) jointly fund these grants. Giving non-Italians the chance to study at one of Italy’s top universities is the goal of the Italy Scholarships. The scholarships cover tuition costs, health insurance, and a monthly stipend of 900 euros.
awards from Bocconi Merit and Abroad
For first-year undergraduate candidates in both 2019-2020 and first-year undergraduate candidates in both years, non-Italian students are eligible for the Awards of Merit and the International Bocconi Awards.
The Merit Award scholarship provides up to € 12,000 in year complete tuition exemptions. Additionally, the Graduate Italy Scholarship provides a full cost relief for up to £ 13,000 annually. Nobody should be shocked that there are few applicants approved for Italy Scholarships given the significant financial aid they offer.
College of Padua
In terms of tourism, Padua is one of the most well-liked cities in Italy, and this is due to Padua’s great and rich history. But Padua is currently one of Italy’s top cities for students to pursue a high-quality education, and thankfully, the University of Padua provides scholarships for foreign students.

Low-income students (both domestic and international) with stellar academic records and the capacity to retain their grades are eligible for these grants.
International Scholarships from Politencio
Politecnico di Torino is the sponsor of the most recent Italy Scholarships for overseas students that are included on our list. These Italy Scholarships are intended to draw in international applicants. Students that are interested in engineering and architectural academic disciplines
The Politencio International Italy Scholarship offers several advantages, including tuition reimbursement and admission to a two-year Laurea Magistrale program.
Italian Universities Not Requiring IELTS
This is a list of Italian universities that do not require IELTS:
College of Bologna
College of Milan
College of Florence
Pisa University
College of Padua
Naples University Federico II
College of Trento
John Cabot College
Rome’s Sapienza University
Verona University
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